CV & Me
I am a wildlife and conservation biologist with broad interests in population and community ecology, conservation planning and the influence of human global change on environmental landscape structure. Currently, I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research. I am developing multi-scale multi-taxa connectivity models for the EU-wide NaturaConnect project that aims to develop a connected Trans-European Nature Network. In addition, I continue to collaborate with Clemson University, Global Tiger Forum, and the RESOLVE organization to study ways of reducing human-tiger conflict and poaching in India by using a new artificial intelligence real-time camera-alert system. I continue to serve on the U.S. Biosphere Working Group.
During my dissertation research I modeled bird diversity and wildlife connectivity of the Congaree Biosphere Region using a mix of field and remote sensing methods. This culminated with an integrated spatial prioritization of the region using biodiversity and ecosystem services data. Previously, I completed my B.S. in Conservation Biology and M.S. in Ecology at Colorado State University where I researched the habitat use of Dall's sheep and the alpine mammal community using high alpine camera traps at Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
Check out my full CV in the drop down windows below:
Ph.D., Wildlife Biology, Clemson University, December 2021
• Graduate Certificate in Engineering and Science Education
M.S., Ecology, Colorado State University, May 2016
B.S., Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, May 2011
• Magna Cum Laude
Postdoctoral Researcher
May 2023 - Present
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Leipzig, Germany
• Providing technical support and modelling Pan-European ecological connectivity for the EU project NaturaConnect.
• Planning and collaborating with research teams at 22 institutions in 8 countries.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
January 2022 - May 2023
Clemson University, Clemson, SC
• Managed geospatial datasets and performed predictive spatial modelling of human-tiger conflict.
• Coordinated with researchers at U.S. and Indian universities and conservation NGOs to plan and conduct testing in India of new AI technologies for tiger conservation.
• Developed capacity building workshop for rangers and beat guards of the Indian Forest Service.
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2017 – December 2021
Clemson University; Clemson, SC
• Managed a multi-disciplinary team of biodiversity and ecosystem services researchers to produce interactive web tools and a spatial prioritization of the UNESCO Congaree Biosphere Region.
• Conducted research in connectivity and species distribution models using boosted regression trees, Maxent, and hierarchical multi-species occupancy using program R and ArcPro.
• Designed and conducted point counts of passerine birds on private and public lands in the South Carolina midlands.
• Collaborated with conservation biologists in Sri Lanka to model the probabilistic species distribution of the jungle cat.
Project Coordinator
May 2016 – December 2017
Wildlife Conservation Society; Fort Collins, CO
• Planned projects with other NGO and county-level personnel in Colorado and California to produce pilot studies concerning wildlife responses to recreation.
• Developed an adaptive management plan in coordination with other ecologists to reduce deleterious impacts of recreation on wildlife in open spaces of Sonoma County, CA.
• Consulted for San Vicente Redwoods, Santa Cruz County, CA to review and provide technical advice on recreation effects and study designs for adaptive management of recreation.
Research Associate
February 2016 – July 2016
Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands; Fort Collins, CO
• Conducted photo analysis and managed database of 2 million camera trap photos.
• Prepared technical reports for U.S. Army personnel on alpine wildlife use and camera trap photo analysis techniques.
• Developed and delivered a 3-day workshop on camera trap photo processing and statistical analysis.
Graduate Research Assistant
August 2012 – May 2016
Colorado State University; Fort Collins, CO
Field Biologist
March – July 2012
University of Illinois; Fort Hood, TX
Stewardship Intern
July – August 2009
The Nature Conservancy; Phantom Canyon Preserve, Livermore, CO
Dertien, J.S., H. Negi, E. Dinerstein, R. Krishnamurthy, H.S. Negi, R. Gopal, S. Gulick, S. K. Pathak, M. Kapoor, P. Yadav, M. Benitez, M. Ferreira, AJ Wijnveen, A. T. Lee, B. Wright, R.F. Baldwin. Mitigating human–wildlife conflict and monitoring endangered tigers using a real-time camera-based alert system. BioScience.
Story, T., R.B. Powell, E. Baldwin, R.F. Baldwin, J.S. Dertien. Assessing barriers to participation in environmental education field trips in the Congaree Biosphere Reserve. Environmental Education Research.
Dertien, J.S., R.F. Baldwin. Does Scale or Method Matter for Conservation? Application of Directional and Omnidirectional Connectivity Models in Spatial Prioritizations. Frontiers in Conservation Science.
Dertien, J.S., R.F. Baldwin. 2022. Importance of Private Working Lands for Neotropical Birds on an Urban-Wilderness Gradient. Global Ecology and Conservation.
Miththapala, S., J.S. Dertien, N. Liyanage, N. Mirando, A. Ratnayaka, A. Thudugala, D. Wijesinghe, S. A. Goonatilake. 2022. The jungle cat in Sri Lanka: Using citizen science to improve the known distribution of a little-studied but common carnivore. Oryx.
Thomsen, J.M., K.L. Cerialo, S.M. Gaines, J.S. Dertien. 2021. Engaging the United States network of Biosphere Reserves in a changing social-political context. Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research and Management: 13: UNESCO-MAB Special Issue.
Dertien, J.S., C.L. Larson, S.E. Reed. 2021. Recreation effects on wildlife: A review of potential quantitative thresholds. Nature Conservation. 44: 51-68.
Baldwin, R.F., R. Daniel Hanks, J.S. Dertien. 2021. Landscape ecology contributions to biodiversity conservation. In. The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. 1st ed. Routledge Press, London, UK.
Dertien, J.S., S. Self, R.F. Baldwin, B.E. Ross, K. Barrett. 2020. The relationship between biodiversity and wetland cover varies across regions of the conterminous United States. PLoS ONE. 15(5): Biodiversity and Conservation Collection.
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J.A. Haddix, A.R. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, K.A. Jochum, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2019. Spatiotemporal habitat use by a multi-trophic Alaska alpine mammal community. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 97: 713-723.
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J.A. Haddix, A.R. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2017. Evaluating Dall’s sheep habitat use via camera traps. Journal of Wildlife Management. 81(8): 1457-1467.
Dertien, J.S., R. Daniel Hanks, J. Carl Ureta, K.J. Brumm, R.F. Baldwin, M. Motallebi, B.K. Peoples. Stakeholder Engagement and Conservation Planning During Social Distancing: Web Tools for Education and Feedback. In Revision
Miththapala, S., N. Liyanage, J.S. Dertien, N. Mirando, A. Ratnayaka, A. Thudugala, D. Wijesinghe, S. A. Goonatilake. Two colour morphs of the jungle cat in Sri Lanka. Cat News. In Review
Dertien, J.S., R. Daniel Hanks, J. Carl Ureta, K.J. Brumm, M. Motallebi, B.K. Peoples, R.F. Baldwin. The Power of Integration & Scale: Multidisciplinary Systematic Conservation Planning at an Operational Spatial Extent. In Preparation
Dertien, J.S., H. Negi. 2022. Pilot Deployment of the TrailGuard AI Camera in the Kanha-Pench Corridor of Central India. Tigers United University Consortium & Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University. Clemson, SC.
Dertien, J.S., C.L. Larson, S.E. Reed. 2018. Adaptive Management Strategy for Science-Based Stewardship of Recreation to Maintain Wildlife Habitat Connectivity. Wildlife Conservation Society. Santa Rosa, CA & Fort Collins, CO.
Reed, S.E, and J.S. Dertien. 2016. Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Human Recreation on Abert’s Squirrels and Dusky Grouse. Wildlife Conservation Society. Fort Collins, CO.
Dertien, J.S., 2016. Camera-trap Photo Identification and Analysis Technical Report. Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J. Haddix, A. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, K. Jochum, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2016. Habitat Use by Dall Sheep and an Interior Alaska Mammal Community. Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Dertien, J.S. & R.F. Baldwin. 2020. Multispecies connectivity at multiple scales highlights impacts of spatial extent on conservation planning. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Denver, CO, USA. Online virtual
Dertien, J.S., C.L. Larson, S.E. Reed. 2019. Impact thresholds of human recreation on terrestrial wildlife. The Wildlife Society & American Fisheries Society Joint Annual Conference. Reno, NV.
Dertien, J.S. & R.F. Baldwin. 2018. Wetland Density and Multi-Taxa Species Richness in the Conterminous United States: What Could it Mean for Conservation Policy? North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Toronto, ON, Canada.
Reed, S.E., C.L. Larson, K.R. Crooks, J.S. Dertien, A.M. Merenlender. 2017. Current Science: Effects of Recreation on Wildlife. Land Trust Alliance Rally. Denver, CO.
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J. Haddix, A. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, K. Jochum, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2016. Habitat Use by Mammals of an Alaska Alpine Community. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC.
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J. Haddix, K. Jochum, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2016. Camera Trap Sampling and Ptarmigan Habitat Use. North American Ornithological Conference. Washington, D.C. Poster
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J. Haddix, A. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2016. Habitat Use of an Alaskan Dall Sheep Population. Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO. Best Student Presentation
Dertien, J.S., W.B. Miller, C.S. Winchell, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2014. The Importance of Accounting for Individual Detection Heterogeneity in Survey Protocols. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists. Estes Park, CO. Poster
Brinkman, A.R., E.S. Neipert, D.L. Bruning, J.S. Dertien. 2014. Detection of Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) in the Central Alaska Range. Alaska Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Anchorage, AK. Poster
Dertien, J.S., C.F. Bagley, J. Haddix, A. Brinkman, E.S. Neipert, P.F. Doherty, Jr. 2013. Evaluating Habitat Use of an Alaskan Dall Sheep Population via Camera Traps. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI. 3rd place Best Research-in-Progress Poster
Camera-trap Photo Identification and Analysis Workshop.
• U.S. Army Garrison Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, AK. January 2017
Co-instructor/Teaching Assistant
Principles of Conservation Biology & Principles of Wildlife Management. Instructor: Dr. Kevin Crooks
• Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Fall 2015
Teaching Assistant
Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resources
• Clemson University, Clemson, SC. Fall 2017 – Spring 2020
Program MARK Workshop. Instructor: Dr. Gary White
• Arizona Department of Fish & Game, Phoenix, AZ. February 2016
• Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Center, Kingsville, TX. March 2017
Natural Resources Ecology and Measurements. Field course covering five NR disciplines.
• Colorado State University, Mountain Campus; Bellvue, CO. Summer 2011 & 2013
Guest Lectures
• “U.S. Wildlife Policy & History” Forest Policy, Clemson University (2022)
• “Habitat Connectivity & Circuit Theory” Landscape Ecology, Clemson University (2022)
• “Thresholds Of Recreation Effects on Wildlife: Evaluating the Limits Of Human Impact” Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (2021)
• “Connectivity, Planning, and Human-Tiger Conflict” Landscape Ecology, Colorado College (2022)
• “Conservation Across Public & Private Lands” Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Colorado State University (2016)
• “Military Lands & Wildlife Conservation” Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Colorado State University (2015)
• Intercultural Development Inventory; Clemson University, April-May 2021
• Communications and Outreach for Your Biosphere Region; National Park Service, April 2021
• LGBTQ+ Ally Training: Awareness and Empathy; Clemson University, January 2021
• Inclusive Excellence 101; Clemson University, May 2020
• Integrated Species Distribution Modelling; TWS Annual Conference, Reno, NV, Oct. 2019
• InVEST Training; Natural Capital Conference, Stanford University, March 2018